Kevin Taylor

Counselor | Missionary to Mexico

Hannah and I are the parents of three precious daughters; Tirzah, Hadassah, and Aletheia Grace; and a son named Hudson. We serve the Lord as missionaries in Puebla, Mexico. Our ministry there is called Fundamentos Familiares. In Mexico, we train pastors and church members how to counsel biblically and how to use family crises to reach people with the Gospel of Christ. Our ministry website to Mexico is found here (

I started with a desire to help English-speaking
couples and also to help sustain our ministry in Mexico.

I was blessed to attend Maranatha Baptist University and earn a B.A. in Biblical studies in 2000 and an M.A. in Biblical Counseling in 2003. The school of life as a pastor and counselor for over sixteen years has also taught me much about married couples, and having counseled so many Christian couples, I realized that embarrassment is the main reason that most couples don’t ever seek counseling. As a result, the same issues persist, get worse, and often end in divorce.

Perhaps you go to a church and others have perception of you that everything’s ok with you….but it’s not.
Perhaps the stigma of being “outed” as such keeps you from seeking help in your pastor or another Christian couple.

This website and our ministry is for you..

Why not schedule a free consultation here?

Kevin Taylor Counseling

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